Enhancing Students’ Deep Approaches to Learning Among Industrial Mechatronics Engineering Technology Students


  • Norsyarizan Shahri Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi Mara, Genting, 11000 Balik Pulau, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
  • Roselainy Abdul Rahman UTM Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 54100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Noor Hamizah Hussain UTM Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 54100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia




Cooperative learning, traditional learning, surface learning approach, deep learning approach


Identification of students learning approaches and its characteristics that contribute to learning success are so important in achieving learning outcomes. A previous study has shown that most of the students use more of surface learning approach instead of deep learning approach in their studies. The study uses a questionnaire, R-SPQ-2F to evaluate students’ surface and deep learning approach. This paper will present findings from a study that was carried out to compare the effect of using cooperative learning and the traditional method among students in Industrial Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program at MARA High Skill College Balik Pulau, Penang, Malaysia. The aim is to investigate the effectiveness of each method. Using a quantitative approach, two groups of students, one group from each respective teaching method, were studied. Analysis of the findings found that using cooperative learning has a more positive effect when compared to the traditional learning.  


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How to Cite

Shahri, N., Abdul Rahman, R., & Hussain, N. H. (2017). Enhancing Students’ Deep Approaches to Learning Among Industrial Mechatronics Engineering Technology Students. Sains Humanika, 9(1-2). https://doi.org/10.11113/sh.v9n1-2.1101