The Relationship between Professional Learning Community and Lesson Study: A Case Study in Low Performing Schools in Sabah, Malaysia


  • Bitty Ansawi Tuaran District Education Office, PO Box 594, 89208 Tuaran, Sabah, Malaysia
  • Vincent Pang Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia



Lesson study, SISC , professional learning community


Education plays an important role in the development of a nation. Teachers, the main implementer of curriculum at school are subjected to numerous approaches and strategies which have been proven to bring about positive and significant change in students’ academic performance. However, the success of these programs depends on the positive perception of these programs. This study aims to identify how lesson study relates to professional learning community practice in the school. A total of 98 teachers selected via purposive sampling from low performing schools in Sabah. Two scales were adapted from past studies to measure the respondents’ perception about professional learning community and lesson study practices. Data from the questionnaire was analyzed with IBM SPSS 23.0. Findings showed that teachers perceived both professional learning community and lesson study practices highly. Lesson study and professional learning community showed significant positive and strong relationship. This study implied that teachers in low performing school are receptive of these practices and such attitude may contribute to the success of the SISC+ program in these schools. Findings from this study help policy makers and practitioners to plan strategically on the implementation of these practices in schools. 


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How to Cite

Ansawi, B., & Pang, V. (2017). The Relationship between Professional Learning Community and Lesson Study: A Case Study in Low Performing Schools in Sabah, Malaysia. Sains Humanika, 9(1-3).