Hubungan Antara Beban Tugas Dengan Efikasi Diri dan Kepuasan Kerja Pensyarah di Kolej Vokasional


  • Zuhaili Mohd Arshad Fakulti Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 Tanjung Malim, Malaysia
  • Ramlee Mustapha Fakulti Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 Tanjung Malim, Malaysia



Work load, self efficacy, job satisfaction, technical and vocational education


Previous studies have shown that self-efficacy and job satisfaction become critical factors that motivate educators to become productive in their career, and promote organizational excellence in education. However, changes in education policies resulting the teachers to have high workload in the workplace. This is a correlational research, and carried out to identify the relationship between workload and self-efficacy and job satisfaction among lecturers at vocational colleges. A total of 373 questionnaires containing 60 items were collected from the lecturers from 15 vocational colleges which were selected using cluster random sampling technique. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 22. Data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA and Pearson-r correlation. Results showed that the workload of the lecturers at vocational colleges are at a high level (mean = 3.73), self-efficacy remained at a high level (mean = 3.81) and job satisfaction lecturer at the medium level (mean = 3.57). Based on the analysis, it was found that the workload significantly correlated with self-efficacy and job satisfaction in a negative direction and the strength of the relationship is at the low level. Self-efficacy was found to have a significant relationship with job satisfaction and the strength of the relationship is at the medium level.


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How to Cite

Mohd Arshad, Z., & Mustapha, R. (2017). Hubungan Antara Beban Tugas Dengan Efikasi Diri dan Kepuasan Kerja Pensyarah di Kolej Vokasional. Sains Humanika, 9(1-5).