Reflective –Formative Measurement Model of Social Factors and Willlingness To Share Knowledge


  • Norfadzilah Abdul Razak School of Business Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06100 UUM Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
  • Faizuniah Pangil School of Business Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06100 UUM Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
  • Md Lazim Mohd Zin School of Business Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06100 UUM Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia



Reflective measurement model, formative measurement model, social factors, willingness to share knowledge


This paper aims to investigate the convergent and construct validity between reflective and formative measurement model. The difference assessment presents a different result of the validity. This paper analysed the reflective construct followed by formative measurement of second-order constructs (i.e., social factors and willingness to share knowledge) using SmartPLS. The data were collected from 150 of the knowledge worker in the ICT industry which registered in a MSC Company. The finding confirmed the indicator and construct examined in the model were valid and reliable. Furthermore, details of discriminant validity, collinearity, tolerance, and variance influence factor were also further discussed. The implication of this finding are brought to fore.


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How to Cite

Abdul Razak, N., Pangil, F., & Mohd Zin, M. L. (2019). Reflective –Formative Measurement Model of Social Factors and Willlingness To Share Knowledge. Sains Humanika, 11(2-2).