A Conceptual Framework for Enhancing Safety Performance by Impact Cooperation Facilitation, Safety Communication and Work Environment: Jordanian Hospitals


  • Abdallah Mohammad Barakat Abuashour School of Business Management, College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
  • Zuraida Hassan School of Business Management, College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia




Cooperation facilitation, safety communication and feedback, work environment, safety performance


Safety in the workplace is essential to ensure organization survivability, constant operation and best work quality specifically in among the countries at the developing stage such as Jordan. Relatedly, safety performance is very crucial for organization performance measurement and corporate existence to practice safety management at workplace, and every level of organization structure. Thus, the need for enhancing safety at the work setting has been proposed by most scholars, industry practitioners and relevant stakeholders. Workers are exposed to a hazardous event at the workplace through chemical, ergonomic and biological exposures. Consequently, various degrees of accidents, injuries, and fatalities happened in the organization and lead to multiple levels of challenges to the organization and serve as indicator of poor safety performance within organization. Improvements in safety performance indicators are critical as they can help in improving organizational performance. The impact from poor safety performance indicator could be seen in various forms such as high medical bills, insurance costs and productivity losses. This paper develops a proposed safety performance framework for understanding safety management practices dimensions such as cooperation facilitation, and safety communication and feedback as antecedents of the work environment – the relationship of safety performance based on perceived social exchange theory (SET).


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How to Cite

Barakat Abuashour, A. M., & Hassan, Z. (2019). A Conceptual Framework for Enhancing Safety Performance by Impact Cooperation Facilitation, Safety Communication and Work Environment: Jordanian Hospitals. Sains Humanika, 11(2-2). https://doi.org/10.11113/sh.v11n2-2.1659