The Influence of the ICT Knowledge and Skills of Low-Skilled Workers on Industry 4.0: A Study on Malaysia’s Service Sector / Pengaruh Pengetahuan dan Kemahiran ICT Pekerja Berkemahiran Rendah terhadap Industri 4.0: Kajian Sektor Perkhidmatan Malaysia
Low skilled workers, ICT knowledge and skills, Industry 4.0, Service sectorAbstract
The extensive use of digital technology and information communication and technology (ICT) under Industry 4.0 will replace many jobs with robotic machines and equipment. Therefore, Industry 4.0 is expected to impact the employment structure and demand for labour, particularly low-skilled workers. This group is considered to be the most vulnerable to losing their jobs. Based on the questionnaire data obtained from fieldwork in Selangor, a total of 377 respondents of low-skilled workers were analysed. This study examines the ICT knowledge and skills of low-skilled workers towards Industry 4.0. The aspects studied are economic, labour market, technological and social. Using the Structured Equation Model (SEM), this study found that all aspects (economics, labour market and technology) are positive and significant in influencing the level of ICT knowledge and skills of employees. On the other hand, the social aspects involving the use of social media and knowledge of cybercrime were found to be insignificant. In conclusion, this study suggests that even though employees realise that ICT knowledge and skills, support from employers, government, colleagues, and others are required to improve their skills, especially to face the challenges in Industry 4.0.
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