Kappa Fleiss Analysis: Evidence Of Content Validity for Formative Assessment Literacy Test for Teachers of Fundamental Subjects in Vocational Special School/ Analisis Fleiss Kappa: Evidens Kesahan Kandungan Ujian Literasi Pentaksiran Formatif Guru-Guru Subjek Asas Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas Vokasional
Formative assessment tes, formative assessment, expert validity, Fleiss Kappa analysisAbstract
The Formative Assessment Literacy Test (FAT) is a new instrument designed to identify and assess fundamental subject teachers’ formative assessment literacy (FAL) in Vocational Special School. In order to determine the level of FAL, teachers require a precise measurement tool in terms of content validity as proven by expert validity. The purpose of this study is to validate the FAT instrument through expert validity and expert agreement standardization by using Kappa Fleiss analysis. Three experts with more than ten years of experience in the field of measurement and evaluation education, as well as on expert from the field of Special Education were chosen to verify the FAT content. Overall, the FAT content is rated as excellent with kappa (k) value of 0.84. While for each knowledge component’s concept, principle, and skill component’s method, k= 0.81, 0.81, and 0.89 respectively. Any changes and alterations is performed in response to expert advice and suggestion. In conclusion, based on expert evaluation, FAT has good content validity (excellent) and may be used to detect and measure teachers’ knowledge and abilities on formative assessment.
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