The Effect of Solution Focused Brief Therapy Group Counselling to Enhance the Self-Esteem of Primary School Students

/ Keberkesanan Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) Melalui Perkhidmatan Kaunseling Kelompok dalam Meningkatkan Harga Diri Murid Sekolah Rendah


  • Shathiswary A/P Mahendran School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Tan Joo Siang School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia



Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), Group Counselling, Self-Esteem, Primary School Students


This study was conducted to identify the effect of Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) group counselling to enhance the self-esteem of primary school students. The objective of this study was to find out the level of self-esteem and the difference in self-esteem score between the control and experimental group before and after the intervention. This study adopted the quasi-experimental research method. The Rosenberg Self Esteem instrument was used in this study to identify the level of self-esteem among primary school students before and after treatment. The study data were analyzed descriptively and inference using paired t-test. The group counselling sessions were observed and SFBT worksheets completed by the respondents were collected and analyzed qualitatively. Findings show that SFBT intervention had a positive effect on raising self-esteem among students in the experimental group from low to medium and high. The results of the study imply a significant difference in the level of self-esteem of students in the experimental group compared to the control group. In conclusion, efforts to identify students with low self-esteem and provide effective interventions such as SFBT at an early stage are very important to cultivate students’self esteem in order to achieve better mental health and wellbeing. 


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How to Cite

A/P Mahendran, S. ., & Joo Siang, T. . (2022). The Effect of Solution Focused Brief Therapy Group Counselling to Enhance the Self-Esteem of Primary School Students: / Keberkesanan Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) Melalui Perkhidmatan Kaunseling Kelompok dalam Meningkatkan Harga Diri Murid Sekolah Rendah. Sains Humanika, 14(3-2), 55–63.