The Impact of Employee Commitment, Satisfaction, Recognition and Reward, Organizational Justice, and Employee Engagement in the Manufacturing Industry
Employee engagement, employee commitment, job satisfaction, recognition and rewards, organizational justice, manufacturing industry, Malaysia.Abstract
Employee engagement holds significant power in boosting productivity and propelling organizational success. This study examines the Malaysian manufacturing industry by investigating the key drivers of employee engagement. We analyze the interconnectedness of five crucial organizational factors – commitment, satisfaction, recognition, reward, and organizational justice – with employee engagement levels. Our findings reveal a strong positive correlation between elevated engagement and enhanced employee experiences: deeper involvement, heightened motivation, and greater job and company satisfaction. Moreover, the study demonstrates that increased engagement translates into tangible benefits for organizations, leading to significantly improved productivity, superior work quality, reduced employee turnover, and ultimately, enhanced organizational performance. This research underscores the critical role of reciprocal engagement in the manufacturing landscape. Employers who prioritize fostering positive relationships with their employees, invest in their growth and development, and uphold fair practices stand to significantly enhance workforce engagement and reap the associated rewards of a thriving organization.
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