Predicting Behavioural Intention to Enrol at a TVET Institution
intention to enrol, student enrolment, Theory of Planned Behaviour, TVET programsAbstract
Enrolment into TVET programs is not consistently meeting the desired number at different levels in Malaysia. While much research has examined the attitude and predictors towards various field of studies, not much is known for TVET programs. A survey based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour was developed and administered to secondary school leavers and parents to measure their attitude towards Institut Latihan Kemahiran Belia dan Sukan (ILKBS) as TVET programs provider. The survey reveals almost similar results for school leavers and parents: attitude towards ILKBS is positive and intention to enrol can be predicted by subjective norms and perceived behavioural control. Financial capability is a significant predictor among parents, but not the school leavers. Marketing of TVET programs and institutions could leverage on subjective norms to nudge the intention of school leavers to enrol at TVET institutions.
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