The Impact of Beliefs and Attitudes among Job Seekers’ Reactions in Clicking on Ads and Applying for a Job via the Internet
Online advertising, attitude towards online advertising, belief towards online advertising, consumer reaction, recruitment website, internet mediaAbstract
With the development of the internet, online career advertising becomes one of the alternative methods that generate faster and effective job opportunities compared to the conventional method. However, there emerge issues of fraud and credibility pertaining to the organization that offers jobs through online career advertising. This matter has somehow undermined the confidence of job seekers who wish to apply for jobs through the internet. Consequently, the authors have tried to understand the effects of beliefs on attitudes towards job seekers reactions in clicking and applying for job via the Internet by using Pollay and Mittal (1993) model. The information obtained is expected to benefit the advertisers and the department of Human Resources to ensure that the information in the career advertisement is trustworthy and capable of attracting potential job seekers to apply for jobs, while saving time and costs of advertising. These are efforts of an organization in facing a market rivalry that’s increasingly stiff and competitive.
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