Organizational Performance: Study on Jordanian Insurance Sector
Insurance, organizational culture, performance, JordanAbstract
Organizational culture is an important part to be considered by dynamic organizations in order to develop some competitive advantage to ensure enhanced organizational performance. This study aims to close the gap between understanding the role of organizational culture and the effect on organizational performance among the employees in insurance companies. The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between the dimensions of organizational culture and organizational performance among insurance companies operating in the Jordanian market. A sample of 240 respondents that were selected randomly from insurance companies participated in this study. Data were collected by survey questionnaire. Both descriptive and influential statistic namely frequency, mean, and multiple regression were used to analyze the data. The result shows that there is limited significant relationship between organizational expectations, encourage development, behavioral styles, and stability and communication and organizational performance. The results also showed that a significant relationship exists between policies and procedures and organizational performance. This study explored the results of the effect of organizational culture dimensions on organizational performance and to assess which organizational culture dimensions have a larger marginal impact on organizational performance. This study improved the managers' understanding on a way to improve organizational culture dimensions that have a vital impact on overall performance.
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