Hubungan Antara Personaliti dan Gaya Pembelajaran dalam Kalangan Pelajar Tingkatan Empat SMK Daerah Skudai, Johor
Personality, learning styleAbstract
Personality traits and learning syles in secondary schools are often said and discussed. Past studies have shown a significant relationship to student learning. Therefore this study was conducted to identify the most dominant Big Five personality traits and VARK learning styles (visual, auditory, reading, kinesthetic) and its relationship with demographics. A total of 302 Form Four students from the area of Skudai, Johor were involved in this study. Data were gathered using questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS 18.0 for Win XP. Descriptive statistics (mean) were used to test the data and present the results. The study found openness (M=3.73), conscientiousness (M=3.68), agreeableness (M=3.80) have mean strength at highest level while mean strength for extraversion (M=3.48) and neuroticism (M=3.40) is at moderate level. Apart from that, the study found visual (M=3.94), auditory (M=3.74) have mean strength at highest level, whereas read/write (M=3.62) and kinesthetic (M=3.49) is at moderate level. However, the relationship between personality traits of extraversion and kinesthetic learning styles showed a very weak correlation with significant (r = 0.45, p <.05). The report also includes some implications for a positive attitude and learning effective techniques and suggestions for further research.Â
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