Human Performance Measurement in the Human Development Index (HDI): An Analysis of Adequacy From the Perspective of the Islamic-Based Development Worldview


  • Mohd Shukri Hanapi Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV), School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Shereeza Mohamed Saniff Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV), School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia



Measurement, human being, Human Development Index, adequacy, Islamic-based development worldview


Man is a development actor whose accomplishments are measured by various development indexes, one of which is the Human Development Index (HDI). HDI is a composite index that is used as a standard to measure human development achievements. Through these measurements it can be determined whether a country is developed, developing or underdeveloped. The question is, how is a human development achievement measured in HDI? What are the aspects of measurement? To what extent is the measurement of the human development achievement in the HDI in line with human function based on the Islamic-based development worldview? To answer these questions, this paper has two main objectives. First, identify aspects of human development achievement’s measurement in HDI, and second, to analyze aspects of human development achievement’s measurement in HDI based on the Islamic-based development worldview. As a result, library research using the content analysis method, finds that human development achievement in the HDI is measured based on health, education and living standards. It is clear that the measurement of human development achievement in the HDI is just from the physical aspect and ability alone. It does not take into account the spiritual aspect. Thus, the function of man measured based on human development achievements in the HDI are merely man in the physical sense, or pseudo-human, that is, man is not complete as a human being. It refers to physical strength, production capability and the human mind. Spiritual aspects such as faith and piety are not taken into account which suggests an inadequacy in the tools of measuring human development achievements from the Islamic-based development worldview. As such the measurements lack a holistic dimension of man. There is a stark silence on human's purpose (as a servant of Allah SWT) and role in this world (khalifah) that spans both the tangible as well as the intangible realm which forms part of the foundational premises of the Islamic-based development worldview.


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How to Cite

Hanapi, M. S., & Mohamed Saniff, S. (2015). Human Performance Measurement in the Human Development Index (HDI): An Analysis of Adequacy From the Perspective of the Islamic-Based Development Worldview. Sains Humanika, 4(2).