Tahap Kecerdasan Emosi Guru Pelatih Teknikal dan Vokasional di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)
Emotional Quotient (EQ), technical and vocational traineesAbstract
This study was conducted to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence (intrapersonal and interpersonal) among student teachers in Technical and Vocational Education Vocational School (SMK) Saree Aceh Besar. The sampling was done at random and a total of 35 trainees were selected as respondents. The study was conducted by using quantitative questionnaires as instruments to obtain data and further data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The questionnaire consists of items that assess the level of emotional intelligence. Technical statistical percentage, frequency and mean score were used to assess the level of emotional intelligence while t-test was used to test the null hypothesis. The result of descriptive analysis shows that the level of emotional intelligence respondents found the highest mean score of self-motivation domain of 4.11. In addition, the level of emotional intelligence found significant differences by gender of the value-t 'I am good at connecting with others effectively' (D6) for the sub domain correlation capabilities to control effectively. Then the question E3 for a sub domain of social relations, the study also showed emotional intelligence by marital status found significant differences 'I can communicate well with others'. Out of the question of sub domain C1 Self motivation found significant differences 'I worked hard to get something to be desired' based on marital status. Teachers as agents of education plays an important role in the advancement of education should realize the importance of emotional intelligence in learning. With a high emotional intelligence, teachers will be able to control emotions, show more empathy and attitudes can learn to adapt to the problems encountered and can provide a good education to the students emotionally.
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