A Conceptual Model of Customer Behavioral Intentions: Moderating Effects of Switching Barriers and Social Ties
Service quality, customer satisfaction, social ties, switching barriers, behavioral intentionsAbstract
Service quality and customer satisfaction are believed to affect customer behavior. On that basis, research related to service quality and customer satisfaction whether in manufacturing or services sector continued to gain great attention among social science researchers and academicians. One of the main research focus in marketing field is to get a better understanding in the dynamic relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction and their impact on customer behavior. The effect of switching barriers imposed by service provider to the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer behavioral intentions has received a considerable attention but it is still in the matter of debate. Review of the literature showed a little research has been done to measure the effect of social switching barrier as a result from interaction between customers who share same service. This paper proposed a conceptual framework which explained how the concept of switching barriers and social ties moderating the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer’s behavioral intentions in a pay TV setting. The findings of this article would provide important implications to the service provider. More importantly, based on the obtained results, service provider can enhance performance by improving the current strategies on customer relationship management.Downloads
How to Cite
Mat Dawi, N., Jusoh, A., & Md Nor, K. (2013). A Conceptual Model of Customer Behavioral Intentions: Moderating Effects of Switching Barriers and Social Ties. Sains Humanika, 64(3). https://doi.org/10.11113/sh.v64n3.63