A Study on Loyalty using E-Travel based on Use, Satisfaction and Trust
E-commerce, e-travel, internet, loyalty, trust, satisfaction, MalaysiaAbstract
E-travel (electronic travel) is form of business operation by used internet connection to run the business. Business of travel industry do service oriented that extremely diverse and complex, it potentially to support activities of tourism industry. Travel industry offers dozen related industries then it will be more potential because supported by technology. The development to become e-travel is as the tool to expand market with relative cheap and competitive cost by offers flexible transactions activity. This study tests empirically the factors that influence the loyalty to e-travel website in Malaysia based on student’s experiences. There are some variables that influence loyalty to e-travel website, contained with the use of e-travel website, trust and satisfaction. This research study supported by reviews of several theories from predecessor researchers related to this study. The interconnection variables set the conceptual study to build the theoretical framework. The current research was undertaken on 105-respondents who were selected using accidental sample technique in Malaysia. The data obtained was analyzed using SEM employing SmartPLS software in testing 5 hypotheses. The result of this study presents that all hypothesis have significantly impact on user loyalty which was determined by use, satisfaction and trust of e-travel uses. Â
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