Perceived Organizational Support and Perceived Organizational Performance Mediated by Corporate Entrepreneurship
Perceived organizational support, corporate entrepreneurship, perceived organizational performance, middle managers, innovationAbstract
The blood of each economic is corporate entrepreneurship. Current research has investigated the link from the middle managers’ viewpoint on the sector of Iranian technology generation between perceived organizational support and perceived organizational performance mediated by corporate entrepreneurship (CE). Scholars appraised vital internal organizational elements which impact middle managers in the CEE; like, work discretion, time availability, rewards, management support, and organizational boundaries. Corporate entrepreneurship (CE) has three is components; such as, proactiveness, risk taking, and product innovation. In result, perceived organizational implementation was assessed as: performance of innovation, market, and financial. In current study 500 validated questionnaires has been provided by middle managers. Finally, this research has present recommendations for better understanding of relation between perceived organizational support and perceived organizational performance mediated by corporate entrepreneurship.References
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