The Influence of Prophet Muhammad’s Thought on Ijtihad


  • Mif Rohim N Syarkun Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari (UNHASY) Tebuireng, Jombang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia



Ijtihad, prophet Muhammad, islamic thought, qiyas, istihsan


This study is based on library research through qualitative method research. The mutasyabih verses in Quran are greater in number than the muhkam (obvious meaning), it appears the various methods of ijtihad and method of thinking to explore the formulation of laws and wisdom. The conflict is raised as a consequent in misunderstanding of doctrine of ideological religion. Further, the Muslim peoples are dragged into radicalism and liberalism leads to monolithic prejudice, religion doctrine as the most right ones, making the Muslim peoples to be radical, terrorism with bombing, ideological violation, and intellectual violations. Obtained The Prophet Muhammad with al-Qiyas and istihsan, after he passed away, movement of thought and politic appears that in turn leads to raised conflict and clash. There are two power of manhaj al-fikr (method of thought) by the companions. First group observes that Islam as a rational religion and its law is contextual. This group has figure such as Imam Ibnu Mas’ud. Second group asserts Islam as a dogmatic religion with its law that is textual, and the figure of this group is Imam Ibnu Abbas. Although this movement is considered as movement in thought of Islamic law and law methodology, Ahl al-ra’y inspired by the thought of Ibn Mas‘ud and Ahl al-hadith inspired by the thought of Ibn ‘Abbas. Imam Abu Hanifah using inductive theory, as a follower of Ahl al-ra’y, developed a new theory istihsan by discarding the qiyas theory and practicing other primary method based on justice and truth. Meanwhile, Imam Syafi‘i using the deductive method came and formulated and developed the theories of usul fiqh systematically


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How to Cite

N Syarkun, M. R. (2016). The Influence of Prophet Muhammad’s Thought on Ijtihad. Sains Humanika, 8(3-2).