Patient Decision Aids in Doctor-Patient Consultations: Treatment Decision Making on Starting Insulin


  • Zuraidah Mohd Don Department of English Language , Faculty of Languages & Linguistics, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Ayeshah Syed Department of English Language , Faculty of Languages & Linguistics, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



Doctor-patient talk, patient decision aid, discourse analysis, type 2 diabetes.


Patient decision aids (PDAs) are increasingly used to support treatment decision making in type 2 diabetes. However, research on PDAs generally involves quantitative analysis or focuses on physicians’ communicative practices, with limited data on how PDAs are used collaboratively in doctor-patient consultations. We apply discourse analytic methods to 11 recorded consultations during which a PDA on starting insulin was used. Purposive sampling was used to select participants from different healthcare settings and demographic profiles. Our analysis first addresses general questions on PDA use in the consultations, such as when it was used or mentioned in the consultation and by whom, before categorising the turns in which the PDA is mentioned or used by doctors and patients, according to the actions being performed. Next, we focus on consultations in which the patients have already read the PDA, and analyse the sequences of talk that occur after the doctor brings the PDA into the conversation. Our analysis shows that doctor talk on the PDA not only facilitated information provision, but also allowed doctors to elicit and explore the patient’s knowledge and perspectives. However, the kinds of questions that doctors asked tend to limit patient participation, and their focus on the PDA at times overshadowed patient contributions. More attention to doctors’ discursive choices can facilitate more patient-centred practices in using PDAs.


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How to Cite

Mohd Don, Z., & Syed, A. (2017). Patient Decision Aids in Doctor-Patient Consultations: Treatment Decision Making on Starting Insulin. Sains Humanika, 9(4-2).