Gaya Kepimpinan Transformasi Pemimpin dan Kesejahteraan Psikologi Pekerja
[Leader’s Transformational Leadership Style and Employees’ Psychological ]
Leadership style, transformational leadership, psychological well-being, leader, management.Abstract
Leadership style is often mentioned in organizational behavioral sciences because leaders plays an important role in deciding the success of an organization. This research focuses on identifying the transformational leadership style practiced by the leader, identifying the level of employee psychological well-being, and examining the relationship between the leader's transformational leadership style and employee psychological well-being. In this study, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 18 software was used to analyze data from the questionnaire. The quantitative method used to obtain information and data, which is to distribute questionnaire among the leaders at a developer company in Johor Bahru. A total of 80 respondents were selected to participate in this research. Respondents are subordinate workers who evaluate their leader. The results show that the level of transformational leadership among the leaders in that company is at high level. The findings also showed that there is a significant relationship between the transformation of style leadership and well-being of psychological well-being. This study will provide information to the organization and assist leaders and leaders in creating a work environment that enhance the psychological well-being of employees.
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