Elucidating the Impact of Leadership Behavior Education on the Gender Gap: Short and Long-Term Cases of Young Women in Tokyo, Japan
Leadership, Leadership Behavior Education, Gender Gap Country, Young WomenAbstract
This study aimed to elucidate the impact of leadership behavior education in gender -gap countries, using the case of young women in Tokyo, Japan. As a research method first, It be used Data 1 creating a predictive model based on five topics using LDA in topic modeling. It be then extracted 100 words that make up each topic. It be named the topics using the top 20 words. Topic 1: Competence & Responsibility; Topic 2: Goals & Communication; Topic 3: Leading & Involvement; Topic 4: Listening & concern; Topic 5: Gender Equality. Next, we used Data 2 to verify the model created using Data 1. Furthermore, we decided to use data 3 and 4 to observe both the short-term and long-term effects of education.The results showed that Data 2, 3, and 4 all showed the same trend, indicating that the model created for the leadership behavior of young women in countries with high gender gap indices could explain the situation well. Topic 1: Competence and responsibility were highly high in Data 2, 3, and 4, and this could be said to be a characteristic of young women's leadership behavior in countries with high gender gap indices. Furthermore, the low scores for Topic 3: Leading and Involving and Topic 2: Goals & Communication suggest the need to foster these behaviors through education. Further consideration revealed that the effects of leadership education were similar in the short term and the long term, but the long-term effects were more variable.
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