About the Journal
Sains Humanika is the flagship social science-based journal of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. We provide a multidisciplinary forum to the academics and practitioners to publish their high quality works. Sains Humanika aims to publish high quality peer-reviewed research articles in the fields of Education, Communication and Media, Environmental Studies and Psychology.
Sains Humanika is published online with a frequency of three issues per year (January, May, and September). Besides that, special issues of Sains Humanika will be published non-periodically from time to time.
Sains Humanika previously known as Jurnal Teknologi Series E (Management, Education, and Social Sciences). Starting from year 2010, six series of Jurnal Teknologi were merged into two series known as; Jurnal Teknologi (Science and Engineering) and Jurnal Teknologi (Social Sciences)
In 2014, Jurnal Teknologi (Social Sciences) has been separated from Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) which is now known as Sains Humanika.